Apprentices at work at an engineering bench

Career and workforce skills

Our ambition for Dorset is that by 2038, Dorset’s workforce will be highly productive, aspirational and agile so that the talents of all contribute to prosperity, well-being and innovation.

Skilled, Productive & Resilient. Our vision is for a high-skilled workforce, meeting the needs of Dorset’s growing economy and priority sectors. We want our people to become better skilled and more productive so that our future economic growth is driven by greater worker productivity rather than relying on workforce growth. 

How we help:


We help link businesses with education and training providers to:

  • Ensure residents have the right skills mix for the jobs in demand
  • Ensure that businesses identify the skills they need to thrive
  • Ensure that residents can access training opportunities
  • Support higher and further education institutions to provide the skills that businesses need

Increasing Productivity

Dorset currently has below average productivity and earnings. Achieving world-beating productivity is one of the UK Government’s main ambitions involving:

  • A highly skilled workforce
  • Leading universities and colleges
  • High-quality science and innovation
  • Increased pay and quality of jobs
  • Increased workforce participation

Our work in this area includes:

Digital Skills Hub

The Digital Skills Hub is an inclusive centre for residents and business owners in the Boscombe-Bournemouth area. It offers a wide-range of free events and workshops that cater to a number of needs, from basic computer skills, employment advice and wellbeing, to enhanced digital and business learning. Delivered by the Dorset LEP and funded by BCP Council, the Hub aims to boost economic growth and prosperity in the area by enabling residents and businesses to be more productive, successful and entrepreneurial. 

Dorset Careers Hub

Dorset Careers Hub works with 82 schools and colleges across the county providing dedicated funding and support to deliver excellence in careers education. By creating lasting connections between local businesses and schools we inspire young people to take their best, next step.

Dorset Skills Board

The Dorset Skills Board is one of Dorset LEP's strategic committees responsible for planning skills supply and demand and influencing appropriate responses.  

Dorset Local Skills Report 

Developed by Dorset’s Skills Advisory Panel and Board and coordinated by Dorset LEP with extensive partnership support and intelligence gathering, the Dorset Local Skills Report is the go-to evidence base for local skills insights and initiatives.

Labour market insights 

Latest labour market insights and interactive dashboards, industry profiles, employer survey results and skills research monitoring the changing labour market and skills landscape in Dorset, assisting educators, employers, job seekers, young people and their parents in making informed decisions.