We’re delighted to share the speaker line-up for our Homes & The Economy Conference in Bournemouth on 27 February in Bournemouth will include….
- Duncan MacLennan - CBE FRSE, Emeritus Professor, University of Glasgow
- Paul Read – Director of Sustainability & Investment, Magna Housing: Addressing a shortfall in home building
- Paul Britton – Regional Programme Manager Local Government Association: One Public Estate
- Wendy Lane - Director Planning and Destination, BCP council
- Andrew Billany - Director Housing, Dorset Council
- Mike Owen - Cardiff Community Housing Association Chair
Our speakers will address key themes such as:
• How does housing affect productivity, recruitment and retention?
• How do we build communities with suitable homes for all life stages?
• What are the tools that we have or need to address these issues?
Be a part of the Conference!
To find out more, for book your place to join us and be a part of the conversation by clicking on our Eventbrite link here:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dorset-local-enterprise-partnership-homes-the-economy-conference-tickets-801761820187?aff=oddtdtcreator
Not sure if this is for you?...
This conference is for everyone with an interest in solving issues around housing and accommodation – homes. And how homes can have a lasting impact in the future sustainable prosperity of our communities and businesses across Dorset.
Why the focus on Homes & The Economy?
Difficulty in getting on the housing ladder, competition for rental accommodation, the rise of Air BnB, and housing being seen as investments rather than homes affect the make-up of our communities, our workforce and our businesses.
We want to reach a common understanding of the issues contributing to a nationally acknowledge “housing crisis” and the aspects which are particular to our area. We want to work with partners from all sectors to find and implement solutions towards securing the economic and wellbeing prosperity of our area. Homes for people of all life stages are fundamental to this goal.