Skills research evidence base

The go-to evidence base for local skills and employment insights in Dorset.

Dorset Skills and Employers Research

Developed and owned by the Dorset Skills Board and funded by the Department for Education, our research library is based in best practice and offers the go-to evidence base for local skills and employment insights for use by any individual or organisation with an interest in skills development in Dorset.

Dorset Local Skills Report

The Dorset Local Skills Report is the go-to evidence base for local skills insights and initiatives. The updated Dorset Local Skills Report 2022 and its accompanying Annex of Indicators offer a reflection on Dorset’s skills journey to date and outline the strategic direction of travel to enable people, business, and communities to build back, aspire, thrive and prosper. 


 Dorset Skills and Employers Evidence Base

In 2020, Dorset LEP published the Dorset People and Skills Strategy Evidence Base, exploring the skills and workforce demand and supply within our local economy and the Dorset 2020 Employer Skills Survey identifying employers’ skills and workforce needs in Dorset. A short summary of key findings outlined the evidence behind our skills strategy and planning.  


Labour Market Monitoring

The COVID-19 global pandemic caused an unprecedented shock to the economy and significant workforce shifts. Our regular reports and newsletters offer local insights and current analysis on vacancies, employers, growing and shrinking sectors and jobs as well as employment statistics.