Thanks to twenty of our Dorset Ambassadors from local businesses and organisations who joined us this morning (27 March) at AECC University College in Bournemouth for the first of our Dorset Ambassador Business Breakfasts of 2024.

Following a chance to catch-up and network over breakfast and coffee, Shelley Collins-Trevett, Head of Business Growth & Inward Investment at Dorset LEP presented an update on the work of Dorset LEP, where we’re heading, the business support programmes that have run this financial year and Invest in Dorset. Shelley also took the opportunity for a short brainstorming session on how to promote Dorset as a great place to do business – watch this space for more on this.
Claire Nadaf, Head of Academic Enterprise & Engagement at AECC University College then shared a short introduction and history on the University before our Ambassadors were given a tour of the state-of-art clinical training facilities.
This Health Sciences University was the first chiropractic training institution in Europe opening in 1965. The AECC has over 1300 students and 200 permanent staff. The University now helps to train students in the fields of AECC Chiropractic and Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, while also conducting research plus the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre that was enabled thanks to a £2.7 million ‘Getting Building Fund’ grant allocation by Dorset LEP and opened in November 2022.
Shelley Collins-Trevett, Head of Business Growth & Inward Investment at Dorset LEP says of the Dorset Ambassador breakfast event:
“It was a great opportunity for local businesses and partner organisations to come together to gain first-hand updates from Dorset LEP on our work. Plus, it was also a chance to learn more about the great work going on in Health Sciences at the AECC University College and to take a tour of their state-of-the-art clinical training facilities. Thank you to all at AECC for your energy and hospitality.”
About our Dorset Business Ambassadors
We are proud to work with Business Ambassadors from across Dorset and they are a key part of our work in supporting enterprise and business growth. Their role is to promote Dorset as a place to live work and invest, to inspire others, influence decision making and encourage business growth. If you’re interested in find out more about becoming a Business Ambassador with us then please find out more here.
About Dorset LEP
We work in partnership with business, education and local government towards the long-term resilience of our businesses, workforce and communities. Dorset LEP deliver projects that support and develop skills, enterprise and business growth, infrastructure and housing to achieve long-term economic benefit for all in Dorset.